FB ads設定...(mobile install 0)

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摘要:FB ads設定...(mobile install 0)

first create fb app on the fb developer

setup package name and launch activity and keyhashes as well,go to status and review click make all features to public to yes

now got app ID and put the code publishsync on resume then done,now on the dash board the recently install will show the info,once you see the data is out then it works or check the APP id and keyhashes 

but u have combine ads manager and the app in the same count or make them as a group or the ads won't working

在fb 開發者按利好app之後設定好package 還有執行的activity名字以及keyhashes 在去status and revuew那邊把推播的鈕設定成on,然後在主activity裡面的OnResume裡面加上 fb提供的publishsync,之後就可以在dashboard看到幾分鐘前安卓手機安裝了這軟體
