文件庫.清單 參數設定

文件庫.清單 參數設定

  • First day of the week for a given date: =[Start Date]-WEEKDAY([Start Date])+1
  • Last day of the week for a given date: =[End Date]+7-WEEKDAY([End Date])
  • First day of the month for a given date: =DATEVALUE("1/"&MONTH([Start Date])&"/"&YEAR([Start Date]))
  • Last day of the month for a given year (does not handle Feb 29). Result is in date format:

    (CHOOSE(MONTH([End Date]),31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
    &"/" & MONTH([End Date])&"/"&YEAR([End Date]))

  • The name of the month for a given date - numbered for sorting - e.g. 01. January:
    =CHOOSE(MONTH([Date Created]),"01. January", "02. February", "03. March", "04. April", "05. May" , "06. June" , "07. July" , "08. August" , "09. September" , "10. October" , "11. November" , "12. December")