SQL Server 2008 June CTP now available!

摘要:SQL Server 2008 June CTP now available!

SQL Server 2008(目前代號為「Katmai」) CTP 版本正式釋出。
目前提供的CTP版本為Developer Edition,有ISO檔可供下載安裝(目前正在下載中..Orz)

有興趣的可以參考: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer
SQL Server 2008 Product Overview中可以看到新一代的SQL Server有哪些新的特徵。

SQL Server 2008 capabilities deliver on the four key areas of the data platform vision.

Mission-Critical Platform – SQL Server 2008 enables IT groups to be more productive by providing a more secure, scalable, and manageable platform. It includes a new policy-based management framework that shifts from managing by scripts to managing by rules. SQL Server 2008 also protects valuable information in existing applications and disconnected devices. In addition, SQL Server 2008 delivers predictable query performance with an optimized platform.

Dynamic Development – SQL Server 2008 along with the .NET Framework enables developers to build the next generation of applications. Developers are more productive because they work with business entities instead of tables and columns. They can build applications that enable users to take their data with them and synchronize their data with back-end servers.

Beyond Relational Data – SQL Server 2008 enables developers to consume any type of data, from XML to documents, and build applications that incorporate location awareness.

Pervasive Business Insight – SQL Server 2008 provides a scalable infrastructure that can manage reports and analysis of any size or complexity while at the same time empowering users because of its close integration with the Microsoft Office System. This enables IT to drive business intelligence throughout the organization. SQL Server 2008 makes great strides in data warehousing, enabling users to consolidate data marts in an enterprise data warehouse.


還是要小小抱怨一下,SQL Server也出太快了吧!Orz



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