Vista :: Vista SP2 beta 測試版?

Vista SP2 beta 測試版已在 10 月份釋出...

嗯,收到 IThome 的電子報,微軟釋出 Vista SP2 Beta 版 (嗯,有點舊了,早在十月釋出了,不過小弟也是現在才知道... XD),裡面有甚麼有趣的呢?

其中最有趣的應該是:此版的更新不僅會更新Vista,而是包含Windows Server 2008,這是微軟第一次將客戶端與伺服器版的作業系統更新,同時放在一起。

嗯,不知道內文是不是文句有錯?而是包含...不過在官方 (Windows Vista Team Blog) 的說明倒是有這麼一段:

Because we've adopted a single serviceability model, these improvements are integrated into a single service pack covering both Windows Vista (client) and Windows Server 2008 (server) versions. This should also minimize deployment and testing complexity for our customers.

Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Beta and Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Beta - Five Language Standalone (KB948465)


IThome: 微軟釋出Vista SP2 beta測試版

Vista Team Blog: Announcing the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Customer Preview Program (CPP)