ViewStateAnalyzer 2.0

ViewStateAnalyzer 2.0

ViewStateAnalyzer is a tool for ASP.NET 2.0 developers. It's an Internet Explorer toolband that allows you to analyze local ASP.NET pages.

By pressing the "Analyze" button, you will retrieve page controls graph and for each element you can check the handled event, read the viewstate saved by the control and HTML rendered, easily focusing it into IE .

此工具,是用來分析 ASP.NET 2.0 控制項的 ViewState。因為 ASP.NET 2.0 效能要好, ViewState 的大小控制也是關鍵之一。如果 ViewState 太大,光是傳輸 ViewState 給使用者所佔用的時間可能遠比執行時間來的長,效能怎麼可能會好呢?