AJAX Control Toolkit 更新至 20229 版本

AJAX Control Toolkit 更新至 20229 版本

AJAX Control Toolkit 20229

Major Fixes

  • ValidatorCallout supports styling the popup using CSS and server-side validation.
  • ListSearch has enabled the options of searching for sub-strings in the list items and clearing the search query if no match is found.
  • AutoComplete only queries for matches when the user types a character.

其他控制項修正:Calendar (增加 CalendarPosition 的選項)、DynamicPopulate (增加 _setTargetHtml 函式)、MaskedEditPasswordStrengthPopupControl (增加一些事件處理 add_showing、remove_showing、raiseshowing、add_shown、remove_shown、raiseShown、add_hiding、remove_hiding、raisehiding、add_hidden、remove_hidden、raiseHidden)、SliderTabsToggleButton